Saturday, November 28, 2009
To move, or not to move?
Starting this week, I am going to post the kifu of all the games that I've played in Japan Club Kuala Lumpur and going to give deep analysis of all my games so I can see my own improvements or how I can make my game better. However there is just one problem.
Blogspot does not allow me to upload swf files. which is essential for me to post my game. But in I will be able to upload the games' kifus with ease. Now here's my question: should I continue blogging with Blogspot or Typepad?
I certainly do not want to lose all my memories and comments in Blogspot, but I also do not want to waste alot of time just to upload a kifu.
For now I'm uploading a simple flash, but I do hope I will be able to upload a better version in the near future. So for now please advise that should I choose Blogspot or Typepad.
Ryou Takehito
Friday, November 20, 2009
Mini Shogi Interview
A lot of people read my blog, and I believe that everyone is curious about my Shogi play style, right? This is a small interview about myself to let players know (especially my opponents who have played against me like Paul Luk, Xinwen, Erwann and so on) so that they can get to know a little better of me, especially due to the fact that I'm always changing my strategy and play style. Here goes!
1. Static or Ranging Rook player?
I have always strive to be a flexible player, excel in both static and ranging rook Joseki, but according to my post in, it seems that I am suppose to choose. After eight months have passed, I think I still prefer to be both a static and ranging rook player so expect me to play all sorts of Joseki against you!
2. Lucky Item during a serious match?
This one is easy. It's the fan given by Kazuharu Shoshi-sensei. I will always bring it with me whenever I'm going to get serious in Shogi matches/games.
3. Favourite Shogi players of all times?
This is a difficult question! I actually admire a lot of professional players like Moriuchi-sensei, Akira Watanabe, Koji Tanigawa, Sato Yasumitsu, Kubo-sensei, Fujii Takeshi and so on, but if I have to choose one I guess most probably is Yoshiharu Habu-sensei. Afterall, it was Habu-sensei's games that have motivate me to get serious in Shogi.
4. Favourite Static Rook player of all times?
Definitely Yoshiharu Habu-sensei!
5. Favourite Ranging Rook player of all times?
Toshiaki Kubo! The best of the best ranging rook player out there! I really love his games alot, especially his Central Rook Opening (Nakabisha) games!
6. Favourite Amateur player of all times?
I'm giving a huge shoutout to Hidetchi, Manabu Terao and Yuki Kasai for giving alot alot ALOT of contribution to the society by promoting Shogi. The effort and passion that they have showed really touched and impressed my heart. Although I've never seen Hidetchi's and Manabu Terao's games, but I believe that they're excellent players with high skill levels.
7. Most spent time on Joseki?
The time that I have spent the most on studying Joseki is Yagura Joseki, especially the Morishita System.
8. Most spent time on Joseki (ranging rook)?
The time spent mostly on studying is the Fourth File Ranging Rook (Shikenbisha) because I was studying Ibisha Anaguma last time (, which covers the Fujii System, and I also read a little about it from Kenji Kobayashi's book.
Another difficult question for me as I played all sorts of Joseki. Most probably the Kakugawari (Bishop Exchange). It's true that I spent a lot of time reading Yagura Joseki (without the Bishop Exchange), but I really hate playing it as I believe it has a great disadvantages for Sente (or black player), but I'm still investing my time reading it anyway!
10. Favourite Ranging Rook Joseki of all times (playing)?
This is another difficult question. I personally like playing Central Rook Opening because it's interesting, but I hate the fact that I can't make a complete Mino Castle (gold at 5h) because the Rook is blocking it and the left side of my castle is a little empty! I have been playing a lot of Opposing Rook recently but still I like Central Rook Opening because it is tough, challenging and exciting for me to play!
11. Favourite Static Rook Joseki of all times (watching)?
I really enjoy Yodofudori (side pawn kicker) games as it is complex and exciting. I saw too many Yagura games and starting to feel a little drowsy about it but I'm still excited to watch a Yagura game.
12. Favourite Ranging Rook Joseki of all times (watching)?
Gokigen Nakabisha! Fast paced game and truly exciting! One of my most favourite game is between Habu-sensei and Kubo-sensei in the 57th Osho-sen game 2:
13. Favourite Castle of all times?
Errrrr.... another tough one. I spent most of my time making a Yagura castle, but I really hate this castle as almost everyone knows how to exploit it, but then again I still think I like Yagura castle the most. =P
14. Most hated Joseki of all times?
Central Rook Opening (Nakabisha). The reason why I hate playing against a Nakabisha is because the Japanese old man in Japan Club always play Nakabisha against me, and I found that it usually ends up as a tough match for me to beat him, which is a little annoying to me. ( To pay back my respect, I fight fire with fire and played a double Nakabisha against him, which I gained victory. However during our last double Nakabisha game, which is just a few weeks ago, I faced a total defeat against him. I think that's when it change my mind about playing Nakabisha and decided to try using a special ranging rook strategy Opposing Rook. I guess I can't beat a true Nakabisha player. =)
15. Most hated castle of all times?
I used to be afraid of Anaguma, but now that I've learned Ibisha Anaguma, countering it is no longer a problem for me, even during a handicapped game when my opponent is building an Anaguma while I'm playing without a Rook and a Bishop and still won the game. Eh, Alex Chan? =P Like I've stated before, I hate Yagura castle and will definitely spend tremendous amount of time studying on ELIMINATING it.
16. Favourite play style?
Fast and exciting, which both me and my opponents' kings are in high danger without castling. But I still truly enjoy slow-paced games.
17. Hated play style?
Fast-paced games, especially when I make one wrong move and the game is immediately over. I also hated slow-paced games that result in "dreadlock", where both me and my opponent have spent all of our "development moves" and "waste a turn move" and whoever starts the battle first will lose the game immediately. This is not fun at all.
18. Specialty?
My specialty? Hahahaha. To be honest with you all, I'm also not sure what's my specialty because I've been playing too many different kinds of Joseki and strategy. But if I were to choose one, then I guess most probably it's the Yagura Joseki because of the large amount of time I've spent on it, although I really hope I can be more specialise in Kakugawari. Kakugawari really piqued my interest alot.
19. Most Favourite Shogi picture?

(Analysis of the game for the curious: Left player moves first will gain advantage but if Right player moves first he'll gain advantage. But I forget who's suppose to move next =.=||)
As I would like to end the interview in 20 questions, I'm adding a random question in:
20. Favourite I-Go players of all times?
Chang Hsu (or Cho-U: ), Chen Xinwen and Ho Hock Doong.
Okay, that's all! I hope you all enjoy it! I hope that this answers those who are curious about my Shogi life. Once again, hope you all take care and I'll see ya in the next post!
Ryou Takehito
(PS: Exam starts in 6 hours and now it's 2.00 a.m.! X_X )
Extra PS: Other Shogi players are welcome to use these Shogi interview questions and do your own interview! But please please please do leave the link in my comment so I can read yours as a sign of courtesy! =)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Fun Interesting Fact
On the year 2005, Takehiro Ohira won the Ryuo-oh-sen league game in just 52 minutes, which each player has a thinking time of 5 hours!
So that he can reach Zone's final concert!
Koichi Kodama (Sente) against Takehiro Ohira (Gote)
Thinking Time: 5 hours per player.
Ryou Takehito
Sunday, November 8, 2009
I love being busy
sorry that I haven't been updating much because I didn't expect my college assignments could have taken up most of my time. As a result of it, I didn't spend time on reading 'Basic Joseki Essense: Kakugawari' but instead I have spent more time on solving Tsume-shogi!
I remember Hidetchi once wrote this in a personal message to me:
"Most of the professional players say they solved all the problems in Shogi Zukou and Shogi Musou when they were in Shoureikai."
As I do have plans to become a professional player myself, I've spent a lot of time solving 7 to 11 moves Tsume-Shogi, especially since solving 5 moves and below will only take less than 10 seconds for me to solve. In these two years I've spent more time in solving 5 moves and less Tsume Shogi, so you can say that solving 7 - 11 moves Tsume-Shogi is my first real challenge in my Shogi life, although I did try them out before but never put a lot of attention to them. Out of 20 questions I could solve about 16 or 17 problems, although it have taken some time for me to solve. But I am glad that I was able to solve those questions much better with less than 5 minutes as I continue to progress through the questions. Lastly all I can say is that it seems like my path to become a professional player is SUPER tough but I'll keep on trying out my best!
Below are some of the questions that I've tried so I hope you can give it a try! Please highlight the hidden words next to the question picture to reveal the answer!
Question 1:
7 moves - 15 minutes

1. L23+
2. Sx23
3. R'11
4. Kx11
5. L'13
6. S12
7. N23=
Question 2:
7 moves - 15 minutes

1. G'12
2. Lx12
3. N'14
4. Kx13
5. G'24
6. Px24
7. S'22
Question 3:
7 moves - 15 minutes

1. N'43
2. K32
3. S'41
4. Rx41
5. N31+
6. Rx31
7. G'42
Question 4:
7 moves - 15 minutes

1. S'22
2. Kx22
3. +B32
4. K13
5. G'24
6. Px24
7. R15
Question 5:
7 moves - 15 minutes

1. B34
2. K22
3. N33+
4. Nx33
5. R11+
6. Kx11
7. G'12
Question 6:
7 moves - 15 minutes

1. S21+
2. K23
3. S'12
4. Lx12
5. +S22
6. Kx22
7. R'21
Question 7:
7 moves - 15 minutes

1. B21+
2. K13
3. +B22
4. Kx22
5. R'21
6. K33
7. B43+
Question 8:
7 moves - 15 minutes

1. B'44
2. K13
3. B35
4. K22
5. S31=
6. Kx31
7. G'32
Question 9:
7 moves - 15 minutes

1. B'11
2. K21
3. N'33
5. B22+
6. Kx22
7. G'12
Question 10:
7 moves - 15 minutes

1. B'33
2. K12
3. +B34
4. Sx34
5. S21=
6. Kx21
7. G'22
Question 11:
7 moves - 15 minutes

1. B'32
2. Sx32
3. +R33
4. Kx33
5. B'42
6. K23
7. B24+
Question 12:
7 moves - 15 minutes

1. R'42
2. Kx33
3. R'34
4. Gx34
5. R22+
6. K43
7. +R42
Question 13:
7 moves - 10 minutes

1. R'11
2. Kx11
3. L'13
4. Nx13
5. B'33
6. K12
7. B22+
Question 14:
7 moves - 10 minutes

1. R24
2. Px24
3. P'15
4. K23
5. L33+
6. K12
7. +L22
Question 15:
7 moves - 10 minutes

1. R'16
2. K25
3. S'14
4. +Px14
5. R15
6. +Px15
7. G'24
Question 16:
7 moves - 10 minutes

1. B'42
2. K32
3. N'24
4. Px24
5. B33+
6. Kx33
7. +R43
Question 17:
7 moves - 10 minutes

1. +B33
2. Nx33
3. B43+
4. K24
5. P'25
6. Nx25
7. +B33
Question 18:
7 moves - 10 minutes

1. R'12
2. Kx12
3. N'24
4. +Bx24
5. S23=
6. Kx23
7. B'12
Question 19:
9 moves - 15 minutes

1. B'13
2. K21
3. B'12
4. Sx12
5. B31+
6. Kx31
7. L'33
8. K22
9. L32+
Question 20:
9 moves - 15 minutes

1. S'12
2. Gx12
3. S'32
4. K22
5. S31=
6. K21
7. +Rx12
8. Kx12
9. G'22
I hope you all are about to solve about 10 questions. =) See you all next time!
Ryou Takehito
Monday, October 12, 2009
Short Update Part 2
been very busy with assignments and presentations for the past few weeks (even now!)
However, I was able to finish two Shogi books ('Strongest Ibisha Anaguma' by Sato Yasumitsu and 'Basic Joseki Essense: Yagura' by Akira Shima)
I felt that both books are very helpful for beginner players, as 'Strongest Ibisha Anaguma' teaches about the strength and weakness of Anaguma, double Anaguma and also about the 'Fujii System'. The 'Fujii system' is especially useful, as it teaches you the counter-strategies for 'Fujii System', and also how you can play the 'Fujii System' if you're playing fourth-file rook.
As for the 'Basic Joseki Essense: Yagura' is also useful for amateurs, as it gives alot of in-depth explanations for each moves such as P16, P15, Sx86 instead of Px86 etc. Really useful if you want to be a specialist in Yagura.
Right now I am studying 'Basic Joseki Essense: Kakugawari' (Bishop Exchange) by Kazuharu Shoshi. I hope I can give more updates in future after my assignment days are over. Nevertheless, I will not neglect my Shogi studies even during these busy times.
Ryou Takehito
PS: My internet is finally back!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Am I ready?
As the internet is still down, I won't be able to update about AISEP. But right now I would like to talk about my progress that I've prepared for my first tournament this Sunday.
I have been feverishly studying Shogi every night for about two to three hours. However, since this is my last day of class for this week, I
Okay, I think you all have read enough of my blabbering. So I would like to let everyone read this wonderful piece of advice, which I have taken from my Portugal friend's (Ricardo) website, which gives you tips on improving your Shogi skills. Anyways please be aware that this is only for kyu players, and dan players are not really required to read it.
The ones that I have bolded means that the advice is useful and you must always keep in mind about it.
(If you are more than Shodan, you don't need to read this lecture)
LECTURE NO.1 - Initial Set Up of Playing Shogi
Please don't forget the following manners when you start playing Shogi with your respectful opponent:
1. As long as the traditional culture concerns, we respect the person who has good modesty to the people. Conversation during play is absolutely prohibited.
2. When you will pick up the piece (KOMA), you have to pick up the Gyoku(king with the dot at the side) first. It has very strict rule that lower class person should have Gyoku and upper one takes Ou (king without the dot at the side). we call them both Koma as King. But there are big difference. If the opponent is the same class as you, you can choose either one of both.
(Ryou's Comment: This is important to know if you want to play a respectful game, or paying your respects to your senior players)
3. After you pick up the Gyoku, you will pick up Kin(Gold) and put this Kin to your left-hand side of Gyoku. Next you pick up other Kin and put it right-hand side of Gyoku.
4. Then you take Gin(Silver), Keima(Knight),Kyousha(Lance) in order.
5. After bottom rank is finished, you will take Fu(Pawn) and put this Fu to 5C/5G position. Then you will follow the same way of others.
6. After you finish Fu, you take Kaku(Bishop) and finally you take Hisha(Rook). (We call this way as "OH-HASHI" style).
7. If the handicap is even, you will take 5 Fu (pawn) and swing them inside of your hands and drop them. If Fu appears more than three pcs., the person who was swinging (you) will take Sente(Black). If there are Tokin more than three pcs., your opponent takes Sente. For handicapped game, the upper class persons always take Sente. But scoring should be written as if the lower class were Sente. Eg. 62 Gin, 76 Fu, 53 Fu, 46 Fu (The lower class persons must tell the upper class "ARIGATOU GOZAIMASHITA' after the game review (actually Koma-Ochi game is teaching) has been finished.
(Ryou's Comment: This process is also known as 'furigoma'. It is always the senior player who do the furigoma to determine who is sente, if I am not mistaken.)
8. After Sente/Gote is decided, both side must mention clearly "ONEGAI SHIMASU!". Then start the game.
9. When you will resign the game, you have to mention very clearly "MAKEMASHITA' or "ARIMASEN'.
(Ryou's Comment: Or you can just put your hands over your captured pieces and bow after your opponent.)
10.Please note Shogi is extremely traditional game and I hope my students in this lecture keeps the above rules very strictly when you will play Shogi game anytime. Because this is traditional beauty.
11. This is the common sense when people will learn Karate or Judo also.
I hope you try to remember at least following few words:
(This is important if you hope to discuss Shogi strategies with Japanese people.)
1. The words of Piece
Original Name - After Promoted
King = Gyoku N onRook = Hisha or Hi Ryu
Bishop = Kaku - Uma
Gold = Kin - None
Silver = Gin - Nari-Gin
Knight = Kei or Keima - Nari-Kei
Lance = Kyo or Kyosha - Nari-Kyo
Pawn = Fu - Tokin or To
2. The words of Movement
I will describe it all in English because ordinal Japanese can understand simple English.
Right - The right-hand side piece moves. (Migi)
Left - The left-hand side piece moves. (Hidari)
Side - The piece moves to side (Yoru)
Up --- The piece moves to up (Agaru)
Down - The piece moves to down (Sagaru)
Straight - The piece moves to straight up.(Sugu)
Back ----- The piece moves to back.(Hiku)
Exception: When you capture the opponent's Koma, we can say Do-Fu, Do-Kyo, Do-Kaku only etc.
Example ; Sente Gote
1. 26 Fu 2. 84 Fu
3. 25 Fu 4. 85 Fu
5. 24 Fu 6. Do-Fu
7. Do-Hi 8. 86 Hi
9. Do-Fu 10. 87 Fu(I don't mention 87 Fu drop )
11. 23 Fu 12. 88 Fu naru
13. Do-Gin 14. 35 Kaku
15. 22 Fu naru 16. Do-Gin
17. 28 Hi 18. 57 Kaku naru
Toryo (resign)
Gote won the game at step
Gin naru ---- Silver promotes
Nari-Gin - Promoted Silver
The numbers on the left is the movement step. International Notation is a kind of Chess method. Shogi never uses such a notation. Every professionals explain that "my step No.28's78 Kyo-Naru was mistake" something like this way. Sente must be odd step number and Gote even numbers. For other special words, you can learn them step by step with me.
The merit of the Japanese Notation
1. You can communicate with any Japanese Ama./Pro. Players by this way very easily. So professionals are easy to teach you. On the other hands, they can not teach you under so called "International" notation.
2. You can read any Japanese Shogi books after you study a few more Kanji characters. If you already play by actual Kanji Koma, you don't need to study more. This is all.
3. What I want all of you is to become SHODAN (1-dan) as soon as possible. You can learn all necessary formula from books. I believe you can surely do it after a few lectures of mine to get the black belt within 3-4 years.
4. I and other members on other famous Shogi page will use this kind of notation under the recommendation of JSA.
5. If you can write your score (Kifu) completely, I can give you Class 4 strength at least. Class 4 means that you can beat me under the handicap of two pcs (without Hisha and Kaku) for all the games. If you can play Blind game, you are already becoming 2 dan or more.
(Ryou's Comment: This is not true, regarding the part about you having a Class 4 strength if you can write your own kifu. But I think it is true that you have a 2-dan strength if you can play a complete blind-Shogi game.)
6. In order to confirm your strength, we play together in new JAVA Shogi server, where you can know your real strength by playing with many of us. Unfortunately, nobody can use the"International" notation there. So to review your scores, we need to study this format. Otherwise, other strong amateurs or professionals can not give you any good suggestions even if they know how to write good English to you. Very few Japanese Player can write you with International notation.
JAVA Shogi Server:
(Ryou's Comment: Other recommended Shogi servers: Playok [], ShogiDojo24 [])
New JAVA Shogi functions Kifu Records, Handi-Capped games etc.
If you really respect our culture and love SHOGI, Please study one hour to remember all the necessary words for above for your lifetime Shogi Hobby. If you don't have anytime to study them now, please just print this out and when you will be confused, you just refer it please.This is technical part but real good Shogi players respect the opponent with good manner and gentle modesty. Needless to say, you can not be so glad when you win the game in front of your opponent. Instead, you have to give and show your opponent very deep sympathy because he or she really would like to cry by losing the game. If your time allows for the review of the game, you have to consider with your opponent very carefully and try to find out any method that opponent could win if he or she moved with other way. This is gentlemen Shogi-Ship.
Frankly speaking, to be stronger or weaker is not so much important in Shogi. The attitude of the game create your own beauty and people will like you more. On the other hands, all strong Ama/Pro Players are strictly keeping good attitude for Shogi Play all the time without exception. This is the hint to be a skillful player. If you can not keep the way I mentioned all above, you are not qualified to be a skillful Shogi Player. It is very easy if you can think of the people's mind. You can also enter into "ZEN" world through Shogi later.
Anyway, please enjoy Shogi more.
(Ryou's Comment: This is the most important point of all the advices given. If you're only concern about winning and losing all the time, but instead did not try to enjoy Shogi even if you did lose, you're not qualify to call yourself a Shogi player.)
Best regards,
Dick Iwakura
Hong Kong Shogi Club
I hope this has been helpful to all beginner players. =)
Ryou Takehito
Monday, September 7, 2009
Get Ready for the First War!
internet is still down so I can't really update about AISEP. Anyways here's a small update that I think Malaysia Shogi players should be interested.
In this coming Sunday (13th September 2009), there is going to be a Shogi Festival held in 'Japan Club Kuala Lumpur', which is prepared by Japanese. Kenji Kobayashi, a 9-dan professional Shogi player from Japan, will be making his appearance. Here's a small summary of the event:
Shogi Festival
Date: 13th September 2009
Time: 10.00am to 5.00pm
Location: 'Japan Club Kuala Lumpur', Fuji Room
Detailed Location: No. 2, Jalan 1/86, Off Jalan Taman Seputeh, 58000, Kuala Lumpur
Extra Info Location: it's just a small walk from Midvalley, roughly about 5 minutes.
1. Knockout Tournament with adult and child category
2. A talk by Kenji Kobayashi, 9-dan professional Shogi player
3. Strength evaluation by Kenji Kobayashi
4. Free Dinner?
If there is any Malaysians who love Shogi and would like to meet professional Shogi player, this is your chance to do so! Shogi Festival is only held once per year so if you miss this, you might have a hard time joining this event again!
Since there is going to be a Shogi tournament, I'm going to work hard for this week and hope I can achieve great results! =) I gotta work hard! Gambatte!
Ryou Takehito
PS: If you are unfamiliar with the location of the building, I am glad to show you the way from Midvalley. So please make sure to leave your name and e-mail down in my comments so I can personally contact you regarding 'our meeting'.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Internet Down ='(
In case you're wondering why I haven't been update, my internet has been down (it was struck by lightning) and right now I'm using a poor internet connection in college.
Nothing much except I have been solving 5-move Tsume-Shogi in college and learn a few Joseki books regarding Anaguma and Yagura.
I will update my post about AISEP 2009 as soon as the internet is back.
Ryou Takehito
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Update Soon?
I'm finally back in Malaysia!
As I am tired and have some few busy stuffs to mind, I will update my blog about AISEP 2009 soon so look forward to it!
Aside from AISEP, I am looking forward to 22nd August as I might have my first passionate Shogi student!
Ryou Takehito
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Plans for AISEP
because I don't really have much time (I'm flying today), I will briefly update my plans during my stay in Japan.
1. Buy new Shogi sets
2. Help Mr. Yeoh buy 2 Shogi sets
3. Buy Weiss kreuz Last Live 03 Tagesanbruch concert DVD
4. Buy sourvenirs for family
5. Helping a friend purchase 'Go' books
6. Helping another friend purchase tea leaves
7. Find out the salary of Professional Shogi players (4 dan)
8. Find out the daily household expenses.
9. Find out the living expenses in Japan (as I have plans to work in Japan in the future)
And lastly
10. Enjoy Shogi to the fullest!
I'll be sure to make a report of it after my return from Japan so look forward to my report! =)
Ryou Takehito
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
An Easy Guess
my attachments are finally over so try and guess what I have been doing over my holidays. It'll be an easy guess, I promise! =P
I will be returning to Malaysia on this coming Saturday (25th July) and will head straight for Japan on the next day. My preparations for AISEP have been going smoothly but I still need to polish my Shogi skills this week!
A little note to everyone that I am not participating in Yingde Cup this year, which is held in Shanghai, because the air ticket's expensive and I am going to be busy with my new semester.
So what are my plans when my new semester begins? First I would like to 're-study' my old Shogi books to master the basics. A year is going to pass soon and I haven't achieve 2-dan amateur yet! =/
Secondly I might be going to give some Shogi 'coaching' at an university, depending on how passionate the club members are. I think I will have to give more thoughts about it before I agree to teach Shogi.
I think that's all for now. I'll talk more about AISEP and my plans in Japan in my next post so I hope you all have a great day!
Ryou Takehito
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Thoughts for the Moment
Sorry that I haven't been updating this blog for a long time. Internship has really kept me busy and I haven't been able to spend some time with Shogi. ='(
Without concentrating on Shogi for the past few weeks (although I did read the lastest professional players' kifus everyday), I have been using these times to reflect on myself regarding my skills in Shogi.
It has been more than half a year since I've said that I'm going to achieve 2-dan strength within this year. I strongly believe that I have improved alot since the beginning of the year, making me a more stable 1-dan player. Now I am able to solve Tsume-Shogi without the use of equipments and programs.
Because of Shogi, my level of concentration has improve drastically that I was able to focus on a specific task without being distracted. With my current level of concentration, I was able to spend more time to search for the best move in Shogi. I have always hope that I could spend more time for a move because I would want to play a Shogi game with 8 hours thinking time per player. I feel excited if I could play a 2-day Shogi game, just like a professional match!
Whenever I don't have any Shogi books with me, I would thought up a Shogi scenario and try to experiment a few moves in my 'mind'.
It has been seven months, and I still feel that I am a weak Shogi player. Am I able to achieve 2-dan this year, and show people my strength who have high expectations for me?
There is only a week left for my attachment. I really hope I can start spending more time on Shogi as soon as my attachment is over.
Nevertheless, my love for Shogi will be always.
Ryou Takehito
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Industrial Training Days
it seems that I am still heavily involve with Shogi eventhough I am busy with my industrial training (or attachment). I guess I can't really live life without Shogi. *smiles*
When I was given my own computer to use for my work, I immediately change the wallpaper to Shogi. A lot of my colleagues ask me what it is and I told them it's Shogi. Fortunately, one of my colleagues is interested in learning so I taught her a few basics! Unfortunately we are always busy so we never had a game against each other. I really hope I was able to play a game with her someday.
Whenever I have free time during my working hours, I would take out my Shogi books and read it. Why waste my time doing nothing when I can use the time to improve my Shogi? But I really hope my boss don't mind me reading Shogi books during working hours. =P
Looks like I will be going to Japan afterall!
(sorry about my over-excitement)
Unfortunately I will be missing my first week of my college's semester because AISEP will be starting on 27th July, which is my first day of my new semester! But who cares? I get to go to Japan! =P=P=P=P=P=P=P=P
I just had a chat with the host of AISEP, Yuki Kasai, and I am really looking forward to meet everyone in AISEP again this year, especially in the origin land of Shogi - JAPAN!
(okay, too much excitement =.=|||)
Ryou Takehito
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Short Good News for me
Although I am not going to Shanghai to participate Yingde Cup because the air ticket's expensive but...
Ryou Takehito the super duper mega HAPPY BASTARD!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Busy Days
Busy with internship.
Little time with Shogi.
Still make an effort to read Shogi books during work.
Going to represent Malaysia to participate 'Yingde Cup', which is held in Shanghai.
Might be participating AISEP again this year.
7 more weeks till my internship is over.
I miss playing Shogi in Japan Club Kuala Lumpur.
I miss Shogi alot. :'(
Ryou Takehito
Thursday, May 14, 2009
A small glimmer of hope!?
Honestly, I am in tears of happiness right now. For the past few days, I have been contacting Hidetchi regarding the conditions for international players to become a full-time (or full-fledge) professional Shogi player in Japan. Despite of my selfishness, he went through all the trouble of contacting a professional regarding it and manage to obtain few informations about it. Below are the conditions to apply for Shoreikai entrance exam:
Before 22 years old:
You can apply for 1-dan of Shoureikai.
Requirements to which are,
- Being the winner or the 2nd winner of a Japanese amateur's national tournament. (Foreigner's participating in these tournaments will require being the winner of an international tournament first)
- Recommendation by a professional player.
After 23 years old:
You can only apply for 3-dan of Shoureikai.
Requirements to which are,
- Being the winner of a Japanese amateur's national tournament in the very year of application.
- Recommendation by a professional player
I am going to apply for it after I've turned 23 years old. If I am successful, I will become a 3-dan of Shoreikai. Although it won't be a professional certificate, at least I can start working my way from 3-dan and achieve 4-dan professional in the following year. Although it is very tough just to get an application for the entrance exam, I am going to work hard to achieve that goal first! Nothing is going to scare and stop me from becoming professional player no matter how difficult the path is! With Hidetchi's help, now I can see a small glitter of hope in front of me to become a professional player. But, will I be able to achieve it? Am I going to be successful in achieving my dream of becoming a professional player? Am I going to regret becoming a professional player? I don't really know the answer and deep down in my heart I am a little scared but I am going to break through every wall that stands in my way and hope that the Shogi gods are watching over me.
"Respect the game, and the game respects you."
Ryou Takehito
PS: A really great thanks to Hidetchi for taking the patience of replying my message and helping me. ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Taikyoku Shogi!
The video below shows two professional Shogi players playing against each other using the largest Shogi variation, which is 36x36 and has more than 200 different pieces! Enjoy!
Ryou Takehito
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Recent Shogi Activity in Japan Club
it seems that there are more and more 'Go players' trying to learn Shogi from me. Everytime I have a game with them, I would give them a handicapped of two lances, bishop and a rook.
It is a great honour to teach Hock Doong, who was one of the strong Go players in the club. My last game with him has been memorable and special, as he purposely neglected giving Go lectures to his students just to play a Shogi game with me. After playing so many handicapped games, I felt that it was this last game with him that I have learn alot more about Shogi's tactics and 'direction of play'.
Now that my gold won't be able to advance up the board to get into his territory, I managed to find a vulnerable spot in his territory that I might still be able to win the game - the 7b square. I drop my gold in the 7b square, hoping I could capture his silver. "Why would you trade off your gold for a silver?", you might asked. Since the only way for the silver to escape is 5a, I capture it with my gold and at the same time check the king. And if the king recaptures the gold on 5a, I can drop my silver in 3b, threatening to capture either a knight or a gold, or even the bishop in the future. Unfortunately he thought I would try to capture his bishop by moving Sx3a+ so he move away his bishop after I've dropped my silver, but to his surprised I was aiming to captured the gold on 4c, threatening to checkmate his king and kill the bishop at the same time. (main move lines: G'7b, S5a, G6a, P'8f, Px8f, Rx8f, P'8g, R8e, Gx6a, Kx6a, S'3b, B4d, Sx4c+)
To his disappointment, I've won the game without him entering my base once.
Yesterday my best friend Chen Xinwen decided to challenge Alex in a game of Shogi. To my surprise, this is their last position of their last game.
Due to verbal information from Xinwen, Alex did not make any effort of mating Xinwen and only aim for entering king. However Xinwen resigned the game, which he shouldn't have since Alex has made 5 illegal moves in this game without the both of them noticing!

The pawns at the end of the board MUST be promoted since it is a forced promotion. Failed to do so is an illegal move. Also, he dropped two pawns at the same column twice! Alex would have been lost a long time ago...
Despite the 5 illegal moves made by Alex, I would like to honour this game as the "Great I-Go Escape", as this long game has been played by two strong Go players who both have made a rare double entering king.
Alex is really a great player that I have looked forward to play Shogi with. I remember that my second handicapped Shogi game with him has been a great horror to me - he immediately played a complete Anaguma, which I don't think I have a chance at all since I don't have a bishop, rook and lances to break his Anaguma! He is also the first player who managed to beat me in handicapped Shogi games twice in a row. However he tends to make an illegal double pawn drop in the game. If he can overcome this bad habit, I'm sure that he will be a greater player in Shogi.
I will be returning to Brunei this Friday for two months so I'm feeling a little sad that I couldn't play Shogi with them. Nevertheless I'm looking forward to play Shogi with them again two months later!
Ryou Takehito
Monday, April 27, 2009
Ryou Takehito the bastard who got weaker in Shogi
PS: Below are the videos about the 4-player Shogi. You all can check it out!
Short Update (UPDATED)
this is just a short summary about what I have done in Japan Club Kuala Lumpur on last Saturday.
I taught another two girls how to play Shogi! Once again I had two different games at the same time and achieve victory! When the two girls were playing Shogi against each other, one girl had to leave so I have to play her share too. Her position is almost losing, but I still took out two lances and rook from the play (my opponent has already captured the bishop beforehand). Still I managed to counterattack and win back the game, despite having a huge disadvantage.
After that a 4-dan Go player challenge me to a game of Shogi, with a handicapped of two lances, rook and a bishop. Amazingly he immediately broke into my territory and checkmate me due to my wrong calculations. But I have to say that he is really an amazing player so it's no doubt that I have lost to him. I hope I can play more games with him.
Once again the Japanese man had challenge me to a game of Shogi. He played Central Rook Opening (Nakabisha) again, so I too followed. Knowing that he can't beat me in a double Nakabisha, he changed his tactic to Third File Rook Opening (Sangenbisha). Never studied how to counter a Sangenbisha strategy, I immediately lose to him, which his castle is still intact (though I have managed to mess his castle up a little). Although I lost to him, I do not feel angry towards him or feel ashamed of myself. Instead, I feel that I should study up more Shogi strategies if I'm going to achieve 2-dan this year. Thanks to this Japanese man, he taught me that my Shogi studies are still not enough and I should work harder to improve in Shogi.
I am also not ashamed to tell you all that I have lost. Afterall, playing Shogi is about enjoying, not about winning or losing. If I do not enjoy the game after I have lost, I have no right to say that I want to be a professional Shogi player. It is the enjoyment of the game that have made me decided to aim to be a professional Shogi player in the first place so I should work hard for the sake of my beloved game - Shogi.
Thanks for listening and hope you all have a great week!
Ryou Takehito
PS: YOSH! It's time to study up Sangenbisha strategies so I can beat the Japanese man this Saturday! xD
This is the reason why I hate playing Shogi online. Not only they are rude, they have no self-discipline.

When he lost, he immediately ban me out of his game and send me a lot of private message saying "die". I am never gonna play Shogi online again. How can they hope to be strong if they have no self-discipline?
Ryou Takehito
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Killing Two Birds with One Stone
Maybe it's not really killing two birds with one stone. It seems that there are more and more players in Japan Club Kuala Lumpur that are interested in playing Shogi (although they're not considering being an active player). I'm quite happy that there are players (non-Japanese) that I can actually teach and play Shogi. There are a few players who wanted to play against me so I decided to play two games of Shogi at the same time, with a handicapped of two lances, bishop and rook! I've played a total of 4 games against them and I achieved total victory! Unfortunately I lost the last two games because I was playing two games (at the same time) against a beginner (with handicapped of two lances, bishop and rook) and a 2-dan Japanese player (with no handicap). I should have just focus on my game against the Japanese player so that I wouldn't have faced a very humiliating defeat, which he immediately broke into my territory and checkmated me in less than 50 moves.
I have been playing a lot of Shogi games against the Japanese player (I forgot his name) for the past few weeks. Two weeks ago we were playing games of 'best out of three'. The first game is a normal Yagura game with Bishop exchange, which I aim for a right edge attack and emerge a total victory over him. In our second game he decided to use his favourite Joseki (opening) against me: Central Rook Opening. I was very unfamiliar with this Joseki so he immediately attack my weak left base with a silver, getting a total victory over me this time. In our last game, he played Central Rook Opening again. After trading off our bishops, I made a weird bishop drop at 2a square, which he got greedy and decides to come after my bishop. Fortunately I made a right edge attack again, sacrificing my bishop for a gold, and finally checkmated him. The last game was really a tough fight because he broke into my base first but fortunately I made an entering king which have secure my solid win over him.
After having a win of 2 out of 3 over him, he decides to have a game with me again yesterday. As I have mention earlier, I lost my first game because I was concentrating two games at the same time. In our second game (which I am only focusing on this game), he once again used his favourite Joseki: the Central Rook Opening. I'm actually a little annoyed about him always playing this Joseki so I have decided to irritate him a little, by playing his favourite Joseki against him: a Double Central Rook opening game! He was quite surprised when my silver was a move earlier to participate the battle in the 5e square. Unfortunately I'm not very familiar with this Joseki so he actually have a pawn advantage over me after we have traded our Silvers and Bishops. Worst, my King's castle is a mess because I wanted to protect the 5g square, while he has already made an incomplete Mino Castle. I couldn't really remember the positions but I think it look something like this...

Ryou Takehito
PS: Do you think the Japanese man will use Central Rook Opening against me again after he has taste his own medicine?
Monday, April 6, 2009
1 minute Shogi
Last year back in Beijing (during the participation of AISEP), I remember there's a night where Kazuma and Taichi Nakamura had a "1-minute Shogi" game. It was really exciting and fun to watch, and I always wanted to post a video about it.
Anyways last night I happen to stumble upon this video in Youtube, which shows a game of 1-minute Shogi. I always wanted to try 1-minute Shogi but unfortunately I did not try it back in Beijing because I was only 7 kyu back then and Kazuma and Taichi are very strong players.
I hope you all enjoy this video. =)
Ryou Takehito
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Kunihiko Kiuchi, where art thou?
It seems that my friend has received Mr. Kunihiko's comment for a long time, but he never told me anything about it.
Kunihiko Kiuchi : September 6, 2008 at 6:49 am
"Nice to see you Waq. My name is Kiuchi (43 years old, male, Tokyo)
I saw your web site few weeks ado. And I am very happy to play Japanese Chess “Shogi”.
Will you execute “joint Shogi Project” which is an establishment of Shogi club or Shogi company in Malaysia with me?
If you approve with me project, reply to me in Email.
Thank you very much for reading."
It seems that he is highly interested in creating a Shogi club in Malaysia. I mean if there's a Shogi club in Malaysia, there would be more opportunities for me to learn Shogi in Malaysia!
Kunihiko Kiuchi : December 6, 2008 at 7:07 am
"Hi! Zaid. This is Kunihiko.
Did you read previous Email from me on 13 & 25 Sept?
I would like to ask you again.
If you have a higher motivation and strong enthusiasm for establishment of a Shogi club.
Let’s establish a Shogi club with me in Malaysia.
I would like to confirm your real intention.
Please reply in Email immediately."
Mr. Kunihiko is highly interested in setting up Shogi club in Malaysia unfortunately he has contacted the wrong person because Waq (Zaid) is an active Go player, not an active Shogi player! It's true that Waq knows how to play Shogi but he only plays Shogi leisurely with me. Unfortunately Waq never told me anything about it until I have found it out myself. If only I knew about it, a Shogi club would have been set up in Malaysia by now! God must be playing tricks on me!
If Mr. Kunihiko is reading this post right now, please please please contact me at all cost! MR. KUNIHIKO!!!! WHERE ARE YOU??? Please make sure to leave down your e-mail if you do comment on this blog!!!
Ryou Takehito
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Who's the Malaysian guy?
This interview is quoted from this site:
What do you think of the Internet in relation to spreading Shogi? You appear to imply that spreading efforts should be focussed on countries where people cannot afford to have computers.Habu:
In Japan where the atmosphere surrounding the Internet is excellent, the Internet is very effective in spreading Shogi. In the international field human presence should be essential at the initial stage. However, I found an exception in Beijing this year. A Malaysian student participated on his own. In the circumstances where Shogi is totally unknown, he learnt it through the Internet, improved himself and came to the meeting. Thanks to the Internet, an amateur of the Shogi was born. There exists a possibility that Shogi spreads in an unimaginable circumstance.
I am very happy that Mr. Habu mentioned about me in the interview, although he did not say my name. Well, it is true that I did not know about Shogi until I saw Japanese play Shogi in Japan Club Kuala Lumpur. Having the urge to know how Shogi plays, I went home that night and start learning Shogi using the internet. Although I did learn how to play Shogi using the internet, but I rarely play Shogi games against human players. The only games I've played on the internet are against AI (Ham Shogi) and against human players when I was still a beginner (about 15 kyu). I did not play against human players again until after the participation of AISEP (Asian Intercultural Shogi Exchange Program), which I was playing against a Beijing friend for leisure and teaching. I think it has been more than six months since I last played against a human player in the internet.
I personally hate playing Shogi while staring at the monitor because if I concentrate too much it will actually hurt or strain my eyes. However I still use my laptop to play Shogi only for leisure or blitz, which the game will normally only last less than 5 or 10 minutes. It's no wonder why I have never participate in any "internet Shogi tournaments" mainly because it hurts my eyes and the match usually starts in midnight.
Back in Beijing last year, during Mr. Habu's talk, I remember he once said that it is impossible to improve Shogi skills/techniques without the supervision of a teacher/sensei. Even if the player do improve he will never achieve dan-level or become a professional. I think it was during that time that I have made a big resolution to prove that I can improve alot just by self-teaching myself and also without a sensei. America and Europe countries are very lucky to have their own sensei to teach them how to play Shogi but in Malaysia there is not even a single Shogi professional (or maybe he's hiding) so it's hard to find myself a sensei. But I want to prove to the Shogi community that even without a sensei I can get stronger, solely on passion, dedication and hard-work. Becoming 1-dan in a year without a sensei is a great achievement for me, therefore I'm going to continue to work hard to become a Shogi professional one day.
Lastly, a quote from Habu:
Habu: "Exactly, there would be a choas should 'The Shogi Sekai' magazine begin to sell all over the world. (Laugh)"
I have copies of Shogi Sekai since last year and you don't see me going insane. Hmm...
Ryou Takehito
Monday, March 2, 2009
As a 1-dan Shogi player...
it has almost been two months since I became a 1-dan player. So I have been doing quite alot of thinking about how I should further improve my skills as a 1-dan player, and also to achieve the strength of 2-dan this year. After giving much thoughts, I had came up with a few ways and been practising it since early February. They are:
1. solving tsume-Shogi (Shogi mating problems) without Shogi equipments.
When I was a beginner, I would set up the position in my tsume-Shogi books with my Shogi sets and tried to solve them. But now I would tried to solve the problems without using any Shogi equipments or programs at all. I believe this will help me develop my imaginations better and would definitely help me alot during a game which sometimes require me to think more than 5 moves ahead. Not only did it improve my imagination skills, it actually improves my concentration too.
2. Reading Shogi books about fundamentals/basics.
I have actually finish reading up a book about the basics eg. why moving gold to G7H during a rook's pawn attack etc. Although I already read it when I was a beginner, I feel that I should master it again to strengthen my fundamentals.
3. Mastering all the Joseki (Openings/fundamentals)
I have completed "Art of Shogi" a year ago, but I think I should read them again to improve my Joseki... although I think it is impossible for me to master all of them.
4. Reading professional kifus (game records) everyday.
I have been reading kifus played by professional Shogi players almost everyday to try and grasp what the professionals are thinking to improve my strategy ideas.
5. Predicting the next moves.
Every time I read professional kifus I will try to guess what the next move will be the best. If my suggested move is bad, I will ask myself why it was a bad move.
6. Watching kifus played by amateur players.
By watching kifus played by beginners or amateur players, I will try to find the best move in the game or find the mistake made by the players so I will not repeat the same mistake in my own game.
7. Choosing a playing style.
Now that I'm a 1-dan player, I think it's time for me to choose whether I should be a static rook player, or a ranging rook player. Therefore I have been trying different sorts of Joseki against my opponents to see which playing style suits me best. Although I haven't decide on which style I should use, but I think I'm more of a static rook player but I'm still not sure of my choice yet.
With these seven ways, I believe I will become stronger in a short period of time. Nevertheless, I will try my best to achieve 2-dan this year!
Ryou Takehito
Sunday, February 1, 2009
First Game Review
Sorry that I haven't been updating much. Basically nothing much has happened except me reading Shogi books. Since I don't really know what else to talk, I'm going to post up someone's game (definitely NOT mine) that I have reviewed recently. To remind everyone again, I only have a strength of 1-Dan amateur so please do not expect a professional review from me. If any Shogi players have any suggestions, opinions, ideas or complains, please do so in the comments link. I hope more Shogi players can discussed about this game with me.
Before posting up the review, I hope that the player is not offended by me for posting up his kifu (game records) without asking his permission first. Nevertheless here's the review done by me:
Sente: Spear v1.4 - level 2
Gote: Human Player
1. P7F P3D
2. P1F P4D
This move signals three meanings. (a) Prevent trade of Bishop, (b) Trying to play a ranging rook, or (c) trying to make a Yagura without trading bishops.
3. P6F S4B
This move could signal proably a ranging rook (most probably) or a Yagura.
4. R6H
Since opponent is playing a ranging rook, Gote have two choices: (a) play an anaguma by S3C and later a S2B, or (b) playing a double ranging rook.
4. .... G6B
Not much of a comment on this move but I personally think Gote should play G5B, S6B, S5C for an attacking formation. Playing G5B also helps Gote to complete the "Complete Anaguma' in a move faster. Then again, I cannot say that this is a bad move.
5. G(6I)5H
I realise that the lastest version of Spear is weaker than the older version. Normally Spear would perfer to move it's King first, since it's the basics of the basics in Joseki. Or S3H, signalling a mino castle.
5. .... P8D
6. P3F
It's too early to play this move for Spear.
6. .... P8E
7. P9F
Again, this is a very bad move for Spear/Sente. I have never seen Spear/Sente made such a bad move before. Spear should move B7G as this is the basics of a ranging rook. If not, Gote will gain an upper hand in breaking into Sente's base.
7. .... G3B
Not exactly a bad move but Gote should take this opportunity to punish Sente's bad move by P8F! ....Px8F (forced move) Rx8F B7G and Rx8I+! It's already a huge advantage for Gote as Gote have a promoted Rook and an extra material (knight) in hand!
8. G6G
A senseless move as Spear/Sente should try to cover its mistake by B7G!
8. .... S7B
Again, Gote should try to exploit Sente's weakness by P8F.
9. P2F
Another senseless move.
9. .... K4A
Should have P8F a long time ago for an early victory.
10. S4H
Hoping to aim for a center castle???
10. .... K3A
It's true that a sitting king is a sitting duck but if there's a chance to exploit your enemy's weakness, do it now! P8F!
11. L1H
Probably to prevent Bishop from taking it and promoting Bishop at the same time in the later future. If Sente moves L1H the Bishop needs to take two turns instead of one to get promote and also capture Sente's lance.
11. .... B3C
12. N7G P8F
I think it's a little too late because of the knight at 7G, which Sente might have a chance to block Gote's rook from breaking into the base.
13. P3E P4E
If Gote's afraid of his bishop getting captured, the bishop could always escape to 2B as the pawn has no potential threaten to Gote's base. But then again Gote will have a chance to promote it at 2H or 1I. But what if Sente make 5F as his next move? Then the bishop will never have the chance to promote it. OR ....B5E S3G! Bishop has no chance to promote it and it's a waste of turn.
14. Px8F Rx8F
15. Px3D B5E
16. P3C+
Probably trying to sacrifice the pawn so Sente can drop it back at 3G.
16. .... Sx3C
17. P6E B1I+
18. P'3D S4B
19. P1E P7D
Not sure what Gote is trying to do (probably trying to bring the knight or silver into attack), but Gote could try taking the lance at 1H first to give yourself a supporting attack.
20. B9G R8I+
21. P1D
If you had taken the lance earlier, P1D wouldn't look so threatening now.
22. .... +Bx1H
23. Px1C+ Nx1C
Do not take it with knight as (a) Sente has a pawn in hand and (b) Sente's pawn is at 2F which he can easily get a free knight.
24. P'1D
Winning a free knight.
24. .... G2B
Earlier at move 18, I would recommend S2B but seeing that S4B is an okay move so I made no comment about it. Then again Gote's G2B have made the king's position a little 'unprotective'. Or Gote could ignore G2B because taking the pawn with lance will give Gote no threat at all... for now.
25. B8H P'8G
Gote should try P'8F instead. That way Gote can promote his pawn at 8G. Sente cannot defend the pawn from promoting with silver since Gote is forking the silver and king with his dragon. Therefore Sente has no total defense against the promotion of pawn at 8G.
26. B9G
A clear evidence of why Gote should have played P'8F.
26. .... +Rx9I
27. Px1C+ Gx1C
Look carefully at Gote's king's position and you will see that Gote's king's defense is disrupted or scattered.
28. N'8I L'8H
Oh my god! It's a free kill with +Rx8I! Gote don't need to drop the lance at all!
29. G5F S7C
Sente's attack is too weak or slow so Gote should strike the iron while it's hot with Lx8I+! If hedo, Sente's position is weakened too strong!
30. Sx8H Px8H+
31. Rx8H L'8D
Not a good move because Sente can P'8E and get a free lance! If Gote's afraid of Sente promoting the rook, Gote should P'8D for a safe play to ensure a solid victory.
32. L'8G P'8F
33. Lx8F S'7I
34. R7H +Rx8I
Maybe Gote can try P'8H?
35. Rx7I +R9H
Gote can try N'6G. forking the rook and king at the same time! That way Gote can remove the threat of the rook at 7I and also continue to put pressure on Sente's King!
36. Lx8D K4A
Gote should remove the lance first at 8D with silver but then again lance is not too much of a threat.
37. L'6G G2D
Maybe Gote can try +Rx9G as it removes Sente's defenses and also increases Gote's supporting attacks.
38. +P3C Sx3C
39. S'8H
The resason why Gote should +Rx9G. Now Sente is increasing it's defense.
39. .... P'8G
A good move but if you have +Rx9G earlier Gote wouldn't have to waste an exta turn with this move.
40. Lx8A+ Px8H+
41. R6I +P7H
42. +Lx9A +Px6I
S'6H for the win as
(a) .... S'6H Rx6H +Px6H checkmate! or
(b) .... S'6H K5H Sx6I K5I +P6H checkmate!
43. Kx6I R'8I
Not a good move as Sente can defend by dropping a piece on 7I.
44. N'7I S'6H
Could also try S'7H as:
(a) .... S'7H K6H Sx7I= (the rest are checkmate moves)
(b) .... S'7H K5H Sx7I= (the rest are checkmate moves)
(c) .... S'7H K5I Sx6G+ L'6I L'6H G3H Lx6I+ K4I S5H+ K3I N'2G Gx2G +Sx4H checkmate! (need to recheck with this variation)
Nevertheless it's still not a bad move.
45. K5H Rx7I+
Should have Sx7I= for a checkmate!
46. L'4C K5A
47. Bx7I Sx71+
Should have Sx71= for the checkmate as
(a) R' 6H +Rx6H checkmate, or
(b) K6I (or K5I) +R6H checkmate!
48. R'6H B'6I
49. K5I B7H+
Should have +Rx6H for the checkmate as Kx6H B7H+ (the rest are checkmate moves)
50. Rx7H +Sx7H
Should capture with dragon for easier win. (for the rest of the moves I'm too lazy to list out the checkmate moves as there are too many to type out)
51.S3G +S6I
52. Kx6I +B2G
53. G5H R'8I
54. S'7I +B4I
55. G6H N'8G
56. B'9G Nx7I+
57. Bx7I S'5I
58. P'8H N'8G
59. G7H Nx7I
60. Gx7I +Bx6G
61. Kx5I Rx7I+
62. Resign
Remarks and Opinions: Sente's joseki is horrible however at the end game it's strategy of defense is good. As for Gote, he failed to realise his attack in the early of the game, therefore he should improve his concentration. Gote should seriously practise ALOT OF Tsume Shogi since he have missed too many checkmate opportunities! Improving concentration will not only improve Gote's tsume shogi but also his gameplay!
Sente's Strength: 13kyu
Gote's Strength: 13kyu
I hope that this game review has also help other Shogi beginners to improve their Shogi.
Ryou Takehito