A lot of people read my blog, and I believe that everyone is curious about my Shogi play style, right? This is a small interview about myself to let players know (especially my opponents who have played against me like Paul Luk, Xinwen, Erwann and so on) so that they can get to know a little better of me, especially due to the fact that I'm always changing my strategy and play style. Here goes!
1. Static or Ranging Rook player?
I have always strive to be a flexible player, excel in both static and ranging rook Joseki, but according to my post in http://ryoushogisekai.blogspot.com/2009/03/as-1-dan-shogi-player.html, it seems that I am suppose to choose. After eight months have passed, I think I still prefer to be both a static and ranging rook player so expect me to play all sorts of Joseki against you!
2. Lucky Item during a serious match?
This one is easy. It's the fan given by Kazuharu Shoshi-sensei. I will always bring it with me whenever I'm going to get serious in Shogi matches/games.
3. Favourite Shogi players of all times?
This is a difficult question! I actually admire a lot of professional players like Moriuchi-sensei, Akira Watanabe, Koji Tanigawa, Sato Yasumitsu, Kubo-sensei, Fujii Takeshi and so on, but if I have to choose one I guess most probably is Yoshiharu Habu-sensei. Afterall, it was Habu-sensei's games that have motivate me to get serious in Shogi.
4. Favourite Static Rook player of all times?
Definitely Yoshiharu Habu-sensei!
5. Favourite Ranging Rook player of all times?
Toshiaki Kubo! The best of the best ranging rook player out there! I really love his games alot, especially his Central Rook Opening (Nakabisha) games!
6. Favourite Amateur player of all times?
I'm giving a huge shoutout to Hidetchi, Manabu Terao and Yuki Kasai for giving alot alot ALOT of contribution to the society by promoting Shogi. The effort and passion that they have showed really touched and impressed my heart. Although I've never seen Hidetchi's and Manabu Terao's games, but I believe that they're excellent players with high skill levels.
7. Most spent time on Joseki?
The time that I have spent the most on studying Joseki is Yagura Joseki, especially the Morishita System.
8. Most spent time on Joseki (ranging rook)?
The time spent mostly on studying is the Fourth File Ranging Rook (Shikenbisha) because I was studying Ibisha Anaguma last time (http://ryoushogisekai.blogspot.com/2009/09/am-i-ready.html), which covers the Fujii System, and I also read a little about it from Kenji Kobayashi's book.
Another difficult question for me as I played all sorts of Joseki. Most probably the Kakugawari (Bishop Exchange). It's true that I spent a lot of time reading Yagura Joseki (without the Bishop Exchange), but I really hate playing it as I believe it has a great disadvantages for Sente (or black player), but I'm still investing my time reading it anyway!
10. Favourite Ranging Rook Joseki of all times (playing)?
This is another difficult question. I personally like playing Central Rook Opening because it's interesting, but I hate the fact that I can't make a complete Mino Castle (gold at 5h) because the Rook is blocking it and the left side of my castle is a little empty! I have been playing a lot of Opposing Rook recently but still I like Central Rook Opening because it is tough, challenging and exciting for me to play!
11. Favourite Static Rook Joseki of all times (watching)?
I really enjoy Yodofudori (side pawn kicker) games as it is complex and exciting. I saw too many Yagura games and starting to feel a little drowsy about it but I'm still excited to watch a Yagura game.
12. Favourite Ranging Rook Joseki of all times (watching)?
Gokigen Nakabisha! Fast paced game and truly exciting! One of my most favourite game is between Habu-sensei and Kubo-sensei in the 57th Osho-sen game 2: http://www.teu.ac.jp/gamelab/SHOGI/NEXUSBOARD/57osho2Jav.html
13. Favourite Castle of all times?
Errrrr.... another tough one. I spent most of my time making a Yagura castle, but I really hate this castle as almost everyone knows how to exploit it, but then again I still think I like Yagura castle the most. =P
14. Most hated Joseki of all times?
Central Rook Opening (Nakabisha). The reason why I hate playing against a Nakabisha is because the Japanese old man in Japan Club always play Nakabisha against me, and I found that it usually ends up as a tough match for me to beat him, which is a little annoying to me. (http://ryoushogisekai.blogspot.com/2009/04/killing-two-birds-with-one-stone.html) To pay back my respect, I fight fire with fire and played a double Nakabisha against him, which I gained victory. However during our last double Nakabisha game, which is just a few weeks ago, I faced a total defeat against him. I think that's when it change my mind about playing Nakabisha and decided to try using a special ranging rook strategy Opposing Rook. I guess I can't beat a true Nakabisha player. =)
15. Most hated castle of all times?
I used to be afraid of Anaguma, but now that I've learned Ibisha Anaguma, countering it is no longer a problem for me, even during a handicapped game when my opponent is building an Anaguma while I'm playing without a Rook and a Bishop and still won the game. Eh, Alex Chan? =P Like I've stated before, I hate Yagura castle and will definitely spend tremendous amount of time studying on ELIMINATING it.
16. Favourite play style?
Fast and exciting, which both me and my opponents' kings are in high danger without castling. But I still truly enjoy slow-paced games.
17. Hated play style?
Fast-paced games, especially when I make one wrong move and the game is immediately over. I also hated slow-paced games that result in "dreadlock", where both me and my opponent have spent all of our "development moves" and "waste a turn move" and whoever starts the battle first will lose the game immediately. This is not fun at all.
18. Specialty?
My specialty? Hahahaha. To be honest with you all, I'm also not sure what's my specialty because I've been playing too many different kinds of Joseki and strategy. But if I were to choose one, then I guess most probably it's the Yagura Joseki because of the large amount of time I've spent on it, although I really hope I can be more specialise in Kakugawari. Kakugawari really piqued my interest alot.
19. Most Favourite Shogi picture?

(Analysis of the game for the curious: Left player moves first will gain advantage but if Right player moves first he'll gain advantage. But I forget who's suppose to move next =.=||)
As I would like to end the interview in 20 questions, I'm adding a random question in:
20. Favourite I-Go players of all times?
Chang Hsu (or Cho-U: http://www.nihonkiin.or.jp/player/htm/ki000331.htm ), Chen Xinwen and Ho Hock Doong.
Okay, that's all! I hope you all enjoy it! I hope that this answers those who are curious about my Shogi life. Once again, hope you all take care and I'll see ya in the next post!
Ryou Takehito
(PS: Exam starts in 6 hours and now it's 2.00 a.m.! X_X )
Extra PS: Other Shogi players are welcome to use these Shogi interview questions and do your own interview! But please please please do leave the link in my comment so I can read yours as a sign of courtesy! =)
nice interview about yourself =D
currently still wonder how to invite you over, lol, due to my chessclub weekly training activity is wednesday 8pm.
what you mean by you will not in Malaysia anymore? You will go to Japan to apply for the professional exam?
Hi Ryou,
I started a thread on The 81-Square Universe with this mini shogi interview. I started with my own, and I'm hoping other people will post theirs. You can find it here:
I like shogi (plastic) komas on that picture.
They look bigger then those I have.
Any chance you can post more info, where to buy them, size, manufacturer etc?
Many thanks
I like shogi (plastic) komas on that picture.
They look bigger then those I have.
Any chance you can post more info, where to buy them, size, manufacturer etc?
Many thanks
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